Download & Set-Up

<aside> 🎨 Download the Scenography Unity Template here:


  1. You can open the project in “Assets/BaseScenery/Scenes” where you’ll find the Staging.unity scene for you to fill. ****Make sure to open it in Unity 2020.3.23f1, using Unity Hub.

    <aside> 📖 In case you don’t find the version in Unity Hub, you can download it from here:


Create & Decorate

  1. Decorate the space inside the igloo to your liking. 💘


    Please consider the following:

    <aside> ⚠️ Technical Limitations

<aside> ❓ If you have any difficulties meeting any requirement, contact us on our discord-channel “help-and-faq” for assistance.


Export & Send

  1. Once everything’s in and looking sharp 🌶️, and your scene meets the requirements, save it and the project then go to

    Menu → Kreis → Export wizard.

    Hit “Export”



  1. Select your output folder and name your package 📦

    The total package size must be under 50MB

  2. Send the package to the institution responsible for the curation of the event

<aside> 💡 All submissions of scenography are susceptible to modifications in case of performance issues, cultural insensitivities or accessibility issues.


Requirements for external content