<aside> đź’ˇ For security reasons, we are not providing public download links to our content security plugin. The institution responsible for curation will send you a download link directly.


Integration for Unity Projects

  1. Download and import package into your project

  2. Locate Prefab “Kreis Security”


  3. Drag into the hierarchy of the first scene you’re loading

  4. Save the scene and your project

  5. Build your project

  6. Test to see whether it opens. If the application closes after 1-3 seconds, it is working 🙂

  7. Send the new build to the institution responsible for the curation of the event

Integration for Unreal Projects

  1. With the link you’ll receive from the curating institution, please copy the blueprint from the “copy” button


  2. Open the Level Blueprint of your first level in UE


  3. Copy the content into de blueprint by pressing ctrl/command + V